owenlee 发表于 2015-12-26 22:48:32



这部影片本来是要推荐给青少年观看的,不过里面的一些场景和对白实在有过离经叛道,不作为青少年学英语的首推影片,思想前卫一点的童鞋或家长不妨体验一把,中美两国教育思想及文化的差异。 鉴于影片的编导约翰·休斯文字功底,《早餐俱乐部》的剧本台词包含了很多具有思想才干的内涵及地道明快的表达。以下为小编通过观看电影《早餐俱乐部》从中摘录的一些实用的词汇及地道的表达,与大家一同学习欣赏。

在开始赏析影片对白之前,本人针对电影片头的一段话( 出自大卫·鲍威的歌曲:Changes, 想了解详细内容的请点击:完整歌曲链接)尝试着作了翻译。

“...And these children that you spit on as they try to change their worlds are immune to your consultations, they're quite aware of what they're going through. " --David Bowie



Claire:I can't believe you can't get me out ofthis. It's so absurd I have to be here on aSaturday. It's not like I'm a defective oranything.Father:I'll make it up to you, Honey, ditching class to go shoppingdoesn't make you a defective. Have a good day.
Mother:Is this the first or last time we do this?Brian:Last.Mother:Well, get in there and use the time to your advantage.Brian:Mom, we're not supposed to study. We've just sit there and do nothing.Mother:Mister, you figure out a way to study.
Father:Hey, I screwed around. A guy screw around, there's nothing wrong with that...except you got caught, sport.Andrew:Yeah, Mom already reamed me, all right?Father:You wanna miss a match? You wanna Blow yourride? No school is going to give ascholarship to a discipline case.
Andrew:Hey... you grounded tonight?Claire:I don't know. My mom said I was, but my dad said to blow her off.Andrew:There's a big party at Stubby's. Parents are in Europe. It should be pretty wild. Claire:Yeah?Andrew:Yeah. Are you going to go? Claire:I doubt it.Andrew:How come?Claire:If I disobey my mother, it's because my father says it's okay. It's like this whole monster deal. It's endless and a total drag. Any minute, divorce.Bender:Who do you like better? Claire:What?Bender:You like your old man better than your mom?Claire:They're both screwed. Bender:No, I mean if you had to choose between them.Claire:I don't know. -I'd probably go live with my brother. I don't think either one gives a shitabout me. They use me to get back at each other.

Claire:What's your name?Bender:What's yours?Claire:Claire. Bender:Claire?Claire:Claire. It's a family name. Bender:It's a fat girl's name.Claire:Well, Thank you.Bender:You're welcome.Claire:I'm not fat. Not now...Bender:but I can see you really pushing maximum density. You see, I'm not sure if you know this...but there are two kinds of fat people. There's fat people that were born to be fat...and fat people that were once thin but became fat. hen you look at them, you can sorta see that thin person inside. You see, You're gonna get married, squeeze outa few puppies and then...Claire:Raising her middle figure.Bender:Obscene finger gestures from such a pristine girl.Claire:I'm not that pristine.
Density :[ ˈdensəti ] 密度; 稠密,"pushing maximum density"此处形容急剧增加体积
Obscene :[ əbˈsi:n ] 淫秽的; 下流的; 猥亵的; 可憎的
Pristine :[ ˈprɪsti:n ] 纯朴的,纯洁的; 未受腐蚀的,新鲜的



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