forumaster 发表于 2015-12-12 15:51:18

Throws a hail mary:绝地反击,孤注一掷

Fred:Let's talk football.
Harvey:Peyton Manning (football star) goes down you lose your first 13 games. You gonna protect your assets and build for the future. You don't wanna pay 28 million for guy who may not play next year. So, what would you do? you move on.
Fred:That season isn't over, Harvey.
Harvey:You're 200 million in the red with a quarter billion due in two days.
Fred:Madison 25 is going to be built.
Mike:Madison 25 should be built, but the market's changed. Vacancies are up, rents are down, and you can't take out a loan against your future if the money's never gonna flow.
Harvey:It's time to protect your franchise.
Fred:Really? I should just skate while the hundreds of contractors and sub-contractors that I've made financial commitments to, they should just wait in line with their hands held out, hoping for 50 cents on the dollar?
Harvey:They know how the business works.
Fred:Look, I know that paul feels I should protect myself, I should protect my family business, but I want to protect my family name.
Harvey:There's no shame in declaring bankruptcy, okay?It's a tool that will allow you to survive.
Fred:Wanna know the kind of guy that I am, Harvey? I'm the kind of guy that when the clock says, "The game's over, take a knee", that's when I throw a hail Mary.
Harvey:Everybody throws a hail Mary when they got nothing to lose.

Hail Mary:原意是指万福马利亚<天主教>,“Throws a hail mary”在美国俚语中用来表达绝地反击,孤注一掷的意思。用来形容当人们面临比较严竣的任务或挑战,即使胜算微乎其微,也笃定主意,决心奋力一博。

英文释意:An end-of-the-night maneuver in a last ditch effort to get something done; usually marked by desperation and a high percent likelihood of failure.

nzqandzzh12 发表于 2015-12-24 10:19:16


daissy7766 发表于 2015-12-25 07:50:42


songyang 发表于 2016-1-6 01:09:30

This Good job

minion 发表于 2016-1-24 12:01:56


pushaopeng 发表于 2019-7-19 00:03:45


zzh1218 发表于 2024-3-3 14:26:47

谢谢, it's very kindofu
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